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Tryout & Sign Up Information

4 Steps to Tryout


Receive a sports or school physical!

Current physical examinations are required of all students who are to participate in any athletic program. Physicals expire after 395 days (1 year and 1 month).

The student must present a current certificate of physical fitness issued by a licensed physician, an advanced practice nurse, or physician assistant.

The Pre-Participation Physical Examination Form, offered by the Illinois High School Association and the Illinois Elementary School Association, is the preferred certificate of physical fitness.

The cost of such examinations will be the responsibility of the parents or guardians.


Register for the sport you wish to tryout for!

All student positions of an honorary nature are privileges. The extension of all honorary positions and engagement in extracurricular activities shall be consistent with proper social conduct at all times and with proper regard for the academic standards expected of students in their particular grades.

The student must meet the academic criteria set forth in Board policy 6:190, Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities.

A parent/guardian of the student must provide written permission for the student’s participation, giving the District full waiver of responsibility of the risks involved. The student must agree to follow all conduct rules and the coach’s instructions.


Outstanding fees must be paid in full!

Upon selection to an extracurricular team or activity, all debts or fees owed to the school district must be paid in full prior to student participation in any extracurricular activity, including athletics.


Must be passing all classes!

Students must be passing all classes (No F's) before they can tryout for an extracurricular activity, including athletics.