Do you need new Belonging Swag? Check out all these options for men, women, and kids! Our Belonging Store is open until April 8. Don't miss your chance as this is the last time it will be open for this school year. Follow the link below.
9 months ago, Monet Webster
belonging store options
belonging store options
belonging store options
See you tomorrow All Stars!
9 months ago, Monet Webster
see you tomorrow image
The Abe Spring Spirit Wear Sale ends tomorrow! Don't miss your chance to save 25% off the entire site including Nike and Adidas! Shop at
9 months ago, Joshua Strausbaugh
Spring Sale! 4/2/24
$10 Voucher
The Abe Spring Spirit Wear Sale has been extended! Don't miss your chance to save 25% off the entire site including Nike and Adidas! Shop at
9 months ago, Joshua Strausbaugh
Spring Sale EXTENDED
$10 Voucher
The Abe Spring Spirit Wear Sale ends on Tuesday! Don't miss your chance to save 25% off the entire site including Nike Dri-Fit tees! Shop at
9 months ago, Joshua Strausbaugh
Spring Sale 2024
$10 Voucher
This week Mrs. Dunivan's Class learned about how the earth changes and how volcanoes have formed through those changes. On Friday, they made volcanoes and took them outside to make them erupt!
9 months ago, Monet Webster
Mrs Dunivan’s Class
Mrs Dunivan’s Class
Mrs Dunivan’s Class
Mrs Dunivan’s Class
Mrs Dunivan’s Class
Mrs Dunivan’s Class
Mrs Dunivan’s Class
Mrs Dunivan’s Class
This week's "Feel Good Friday" is a shoutout to our spring concert performances. K-3 practiced so hard to make sure they were ready and it was awesome! 3rd grade recorders rocked, and the spring theme songs made us all want to play in the flowers. A special shoutout to Mrs. Bell and her student teacher for all of their hard work! Way to go All Stars! 💙🌟🌼🌷
9 months ago, Monet Webster
spring student program
spring student program
spring student program
FREE Mobile Market is the 3rd Thursday of each month.
9 months ago, Chris McMahon
mobile market
Are you ready??? The Belonging store is OPEN! Please order items at the link below until April 8. We have different items and colors that really make a statement! Order now!!!
9 months ago, Monet Webster
belonging shirt initiative
Currently, all District #118 schools are experiencing technical issues with Internet and phone services. Our provider is working on the issue. We will post an update when services have been restored.
9 months ago, Chris McMahon
We are so lucky to celebrate Mrs. Wright's kindergarten class this St. Patrick's Day! They had tests on Friday they had prepared for. They worked on asking for help, working hard, and not getting frustrated. They did GREAT and they were so excited to visit Principal Webster and tell her they are ready for 1st Grade! 🍀🥳💚
9 months ago, Monet Webster
kindergarten class with the principal
This week's "Feel Good Friday" is a shoutout to our March Students of the Month! Emani and William we are so proud of your perseverance! You all show it each day, and applaud the way you show the All Star Way! Keep it up All Stars!💙🌟🤩
9 months ago, Monet Webster
student of the month
student of the month
Anytime our All Stars come back to tell a story of success we want to elevate that. We are so proud of Charvon who was an All Star several years ago. He came back to our school to tell students the lessons he learned. Keep going when things get tough, always have a backup plan, and listen to the adults who care about you! Thank you for your message, and thank you for your service! Once an All Star, always an All Star!🌟🤩🇺🇸
9 months ago, Monet Webster
Former student speaking to classes
Former student speaking to classes
Former student speaking to classes
Former student speaking to classes
Former student speaking to classes
The Abe Spring Spirit Wear Sale is underway! Choose from hundreds of designs and garments that are delivered to your home in days! You'll save 25% off the entire site! New product lines include Nike and Adidas! Shop at $10 Vouchers! You have registered to receive a $10 voucher, good for all students, faculty and staff! Valid once per household.
9 months ago, Joshua Strausbaugh
Spring Sale 2024
$10 Voucher
Let's get ready for our Drive Away Hunger competition! Check your email for details!
10 months ago, Monet Webster
drive away hungry list
drive away hungry list
drive away hungry list
Happy Spring Forward! Don't forget to change your clocks and check your smoke detector batteries All Stars! ⏰🌼🔋🪫
10 months ago, Monet Webster
change your clock and batteries image
A DOUBLE "Feel Good Friday" because its International Women's Day! Mrs Bryant's class really enjoyed writing affirmations to each other and anonymously placing them in each other's bags. We talked about filling each other's buckets and helping each other feel good about ourselves. Thank you to all the women in our All Star Community that help us be our best selves!
10 months ago, Monet Webster
making affirmations
making affirmations
making affirmations
making affirmations
making affirmations
Thank you to our Title Teachers for allowing out 6th grade students to put on a short play for other classes! It was a fun way to learn about Althea Gibson while building skills! Keep shining All Stars!🎭🌟
10 months ago, Monet Webster
6th graders putting on a play for a class
Celebrating Women's History Month and using our creativity and critical thinking skills has our 4th and 5th grade students shining!😍🤔💭
10 months ago, Monet Webster
women’s history coloring page and a student
cup stacking and a student
students building with logs
Mrs. Bryant's class started off the day so strong we had to get a picture of everyone working! Way to go All Stars!
10 months ago, Monet Webster
Bryant’s class